Advance A Slip And Fall Claim With The Help of An Injury Lawyer In St. Catharines

Premises liability is a very complex turf of Ontario personal injury law. It applies to only those injuries that stem from a landowner’s homeowner or property owner’s disregard for safety and security of visitors. In some cases, property owners are responsible for the damages and injuries, while in others, they are not. An injured person’s right to file a premises liability claim in this city depends partially on whether or not you were a lawful visitor or invited guest to the property. It depends on whether you were a trespasser on that property or a customer at a regular retail business. If you sustain an injury that you think is due to the property owner’s negligence, you should consult with an Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines.

Understanding premises liability

Property owners and managers have a legal responsibility to keep their property in reasonable safe condition. They need to provide adequate warning of any unsafe condition or hazard that you cannot correct quickly. When a visitor sustains injuries there due to a trip hazard, inadequate maintenance, inadequate security, or construction defects, you may be entitled to seek proper compensation from the concerned property owner. An Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines can help advance these claims.

The basic aspects

The state Premises Liability Act makes property owners, landowners and those exercising sufficient control of the premises such as residential tenants or business tenants accountable for the conditions and activities inside the property. The duty every business tenant or property owner owes depends on the injured person’s status. A landowner owes a duty to a person visiting the premises and to a social guest, whom he/she invited to the house. The duty of care in this regard will be more than the one they owe to a trespasser. You determine the relation between property owner and inured person on the basis of each case. An Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines can do that your behalf.
More on the cases

If the slip and fall victim happens to be a child, you need to take the pediatric aspect into account. Children are too young to perceive or comprehend an unsafe condition or property hazard. For example, a young child, who doesn’t know how to swim may always feel attracted to a perilous, unsecured tub or pool. They cannot recognize or understand the dangers of stepping into the pool.

Summing it up

When the premises in question is a retail business, you could have an implied invitation that you go there on invitation to visit the store or patronize a hotel or restaurant. The business owner or property owner has the responsibility to check for any precarious conditions such as loose railings, loose handrails, missing or broken, and floors spills. If they do find these things, they need to either repair them on time or provide adequate warning signs to alert customers. Slippery decks, stairway, slick floors are very common examples. Melting snow or ice cause many slips and falls. An Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines can build strong premises liability to obtain an optimum compensation. For more information visit here: GPC Injury Law